Donor Memorial

  • Mr. Ashish Rambhau Madavi   - 20 Years

    In a tragic accident near IT Park, Nagpur, the promising life of a 20-year-old ITI student, Ashish Rambhau Madavi's life was abruptly cut short. However, amidst this sorrow, the Madavi family's selfless decision offered ray of hope to three other lives and restored sight to two others through the donation of Ashish's kidneys, liver, and corneas.

    On April 6, 2024, Ashish, returning from his classes with his friends near IT park, met with an accident when his bike slipped & hit a divider. He sustained severe head injuries & was immediately admitted to a nearby hospital. Despite ten days of treatment, his condition remained critical and he was shifted to Trauma centre at GMCH Nagpur, on the evening of April 15, 2024. On the subsequent day, he was declared brain dead by GMCH's doctors.

    The compassionate intervention by MOHAN Foundation's grief counsellor Ms. Bhagyashree Nighot, alongside the Foundation's Project Manager, Ms. Veena Wathore, offered solace and guidance to the father, Mr Rambhau Madavi, a CRPF employee and his family. He alongwith his family comprising of Ashish's Mother and sister, took the courageous decision to donate his only son's organs to other needy patients.

    Thanks to the collaborative efforts of medical teams at GMCH-Nagpur and Super Speciality Hospital-Nagpur, Ashish's organs found new homes, extending a second chance at life to five individuals.

    Amidst their immeasurable and profound grief, the Madavi family's gesture of organ donation is proof that one decision can save so many lives. As a mark of respect, the team of doctors, nurses and counsellors paid a tribute to the organ donor, with an ˜honour corridor'. Also, Sewa Foundation provided free ambulance services to Ashish's family for transporting the donor's body to their native place.

    All this underscores the collective efforts by various individuals and organisations to provide support and care to the donor family during their times of adversity.

    Despite his untimely passing, Ashish's legacy of generosity and hope lives on, thanks to his family's consent to donate his organs.


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