Donor Memorial

  • Mr. Ajab Parteti   - 55 Years

    On April 3, Ajab Parteti, a 55-year-old farmer, was transferred from Lata Mangeshkar Hospital to the trauma casualty unit of GMCH Nagpur. Having been diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2022, Ajab's health had been steadily declining. Three days prior, he experienced dizziness and collapsed, leading to his admission to the trauma center at Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) Nagpur.

    Despite the relentless efforts of the GMCH medical team, it became evident that Ajab had suffered a brain hemorrhage and was unresponsive to treatment. Following a series of tests, the doctors confirmed his brain death.

    Ms. Bhagyashree Nighot, MOHAN Foundation's Grief Counsellor cum Transplant Coordinator, provided detailed information about the organ donation process during her daily rounds, leading to the family's decision to donate Ajab's organs. Ajab's son Sameer and son-in-law Roshan Bhagwat Patil provided written consent to donate his kidneys, liver, and pair of corneas.

    On April 6, 2024, the pair of kidneys and liver were allocated to a private hospital by ZTCC-Nagpur, while GMCH's ophthalmology department retrieved the pair of corneas. The trauma center at GMCH honored the donor with a "Guard of Honor" and also arranged for donor's body and the family members to be transported free of cost in an ambulance, to their native place in Ghubadi, Taluka Katol, District Nagpur. A farmer's generosity saved three lives and restored eyesight to two individuals.

    This marked the fourth successful organ donation case in the past six months at GMCH Nagpur, highlighting the unwavering support of Dean Dr. Raj Gajbhiye. Bhagyashree, MOHAN Foundation's transplant coordinator played a crucial role in counseling and supporting the family.

    Our heartfelt salutes to the Parteti family whose selfless gift brought immeasurable hope and gratitude to many hearts.


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