On 2nd March 2013, Caravel Logistics Private Limited working in the line of shipping services for more than a decade, invited MOHAN Foundation to deliver talk on Organ Donation for their staff. This was initiative of their CSR team. The session started with a welcome address by Mr. Praveen Sr. Manager, Caravel Logistics Pvt. Ltd. An introduction on Organ Donation was given by Mr. Deva Rajan. T, and Mr. Tom Jose, Vice Presidents, Caravel Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
It was followed by a presentation by Ms. Kavitha, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation who spoke on the following topics:
She shared few touching donor stories by which the group was moved. At the end of the session a video on Donor Memorial was played. During the interaction session few queries were raised like
The queries were answered. Nearly 50 people showed their support for the noble cause by signing Donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad