MOHAN Foundation joined hands with St. Thomas Blood Bank to set up stalls at the construction sites of True Value Homes (TVH) at Padur, Navalur and Semmenchery in the suburbs of Chennai from 28th February to 2nd March 2013. Mr. Senthil (Safety) and Mr. Dhanasekar (HR), Mr. Arockiasamy (HR) from TVH organized the blood donation and Awareness Stall on Organ Donation. Mr. R. Ananth Transplant Coordinator from MOHAN Foundation set up the stall and explained about the Concepts of Brain Death and Organ Donation to the safety officers and engineers and labourers working on various projects of TVH.
Topics covered in the interactive session:
Nearly 105 members of TVH site offices took a pledge to donate organs by picking up the Donor Cards.
Queries raised during the interaction were:
In case of a labourer falling down from a great height, how can organs be donated?
If there is cardiac death in the house, who should be contacted for eye donation?
Should we contact MOHAN Foundation in case of brain death?
These queries were answered.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad