The Computer Science department of St. Joseph Engineering College, Sriperumbudur organized a symposium “Rishvaz’s 2013” on 28th February 2013. In order to create awareness among the young engineers, MOHAN Foundation was invited to put up a stall and to deliver a talk on Organ Donation.
Ms.Kavitha, Transplant Coordinator spoke on the following topics:
1. Concepts of Organ Donation
2. Difference between Brain Death and Coma
3. Organs that can be donated after Natural Death and after Brain death
4. Importance of Donor card
5. Offenses and Penalty in live donation
6. Eye Donation
7. Information on Helpline
Few volunteer from students and staff came up on the stage and pledged for Donor Card. Queries raised by the students at the stall were:
The queries were answered. Nearly 92 students and staff showed their support for organ donation. Few of them picked card for their family members also.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad