On July 24, 2024, and organ donation awareness was organized for the students of JV Institute of Nursing, Kodambakkam, Chennai.
The session begun with a welcome and introduction of Mr Ganesh C Marketing Coordinator by staff of the college. Mr Ganesh started with an interactive session by asking the opinion of the students about organ donation. He commenced the session about MOHAN Foundation and spoke about types of donations, brain death, time factor, getting a transplant, voluntary body donation, and pledging as organ donor. He then spoke about their career as transplant coordinator and the professional courses offered by MOHAN Foundation.
Post the session a small movie related quiz was conducted and the students participated enthusiastically. Divya Dharshini N and Bharath Sri K interns from MSSW supported with information brochure and pinning green ribbons. 16 students participated and expressed their support towards organ donation.
MOHAN Foundation extends its warm gratitude to Dr Akila, The Principle JV Institute of nursing for this opportunity and support.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad