Organ Donation Awareness Session at Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) Training School, Nand Nagri Depot, New Delhi

Updated on Saturday, January 4, 2025
  • On December 20, 2024, MOHAN Foundation (MF) conducted an awareness session on organ donation for bus drivers at the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) Training School, Nand Nagri Depot, New Delhi. The session was facilitated by Ms. Simran Anand and Ms. Sanya Santosh, Programme Officers at MOHAN Foundation, NCR.


    Ms. Simran opened the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation and initiating a discussion to gauge the participants’ understanding of organ donation. She also highlighted the organ donation clause in the driving license. During this discussion, a participant revealed that he had selected "NO" for the clause due to a lack of awareness.


    Following this, Ms. Sanya delivered a detailed overview of organ donation, elaborating on its processes and significance. She explained the concept of brain death and the protocol for its declaration. Key topics covered during the session included:

    • The importance of organ donation in society

    • Eligibility to become an organ donor

    • Live and deceased organ donation

    • Organ donation during life and after death

    • Brain death and its implications

    • Eye donation and cornea preservation post-death

    • The Human Organ Transplantation Act, 1994

    • MOHAN Foundation's role in promoting organ donation

    • Ways individuals can contribute to this noble cause

    • Addressing myths and facts surrounding organ donation

    • Differences between coma and brain death


    During the session, a participant shared an inspiring story of eye donation in their neighbourhood, where the family of a 50-year-old man donated his corneas. This led to an engaging discussion, with other participants expressing concerns about potential trafficking in the organ donation process.


    The participants actively engaged by raising several pertinent questions, such as:

    • What is the difference between coma and brain death?

    • How can one obtain organs if needed?


    The session was attended by approximately 80 participants and successfully increased awareness about the significance of organ donation while addressing misconceptions and concerns.



    Source-Ms. Sanya Santosh
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