MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on organ donation for Nursing staffs of Apollo Hospital. The session was held on 27 th May 2024 in Training Department Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi began the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation and its objectives. She addressed the audience by asking a few questions on organ donation and elucidated the need and importance of organ donation in India and engaged the audience with a presentation.
The following were discussed thoroughly:
The concept of donation and Transplantation
The types of death i.e.cardiac death and brain death
Brain death and the procedure of deceased organ donation and live organ donation.
The procedure of Body Donation
Common myths and facts related to organ donation and how itimpacts on organ donation.
The procedure of Eye Donation
Importance of Skin Donation
The audience who attended the session were Nursing staff of the hospital they were highly motivated towards the cause and extended their support by pledging their organs. Around 24 people attended the session. We thank sister Anuja for supporting the cause of Organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad