On 30 th May 2024, MOHAN Foundation, conducted an awarenessprogramme on organ donation for Radiology Department of ApolloHospital. Mr. Pramod Sawant in charge of Radiology Department wasarranged and organized the session for Radiology department of Groundfloor of Apollo Hospital around 15 technician’s and doctors attended thesession.
Ms Prarthana was the speaker for the day. Ms. Prarthana began thesession with a motivational video. Then she started her talk on theConcepts of Organ Donation. She explained the role of MOHANFoundation. She spoke of the need for organs, what and when donationcan happen. She explained brain death, and the difference between braindeath and coma. She spoke of tissue and voluntary body donation and alsoexplained the myths & scams on organ donation. She also gaveinformation on the free service of Organ Donation Helpline 1800 103 7100.At the end of her talk Ms. Prarthana played an educational video on braindeath.
She explained about Transplant Coordinator courses offered by MOHANFoundation, its structure, value and fee structure. She also introduced theshort duration Angles of Change training. It was an interactive session.
Certain questions asked by the audience were as follows-
What documents required for body donation?How donor card works after death?Ms Prarthana answered all the queries and thanked Dr. Vipin Pathak HODof Radiology Department and Mr. Pramod Sawant Apollo Hospital forinviting her and supporting the cause of organ donation