On 28 th May 2024, MOHAN Foundation, conducted an awarenessprogramme on organ donation for Nursing Department of Apollo Hospital.
Mrs Babita and Karishma in charge sister of D ward, E ward and Generalward of Apollo Hospital arranged and organized the session for Nursingdepartment of D ward & E ward of 6th floor of Apollo Hospital. Around 27Nursing staff attended the session. Ms Prarthana was the speaker for theday. She walked through the concept of organ donation and transplantation. The audience were made aware of the effective usage of organ donation helpline 1800 103 7100. Types of organ donations, how to register as an organ donor, concept of brain death and circulatory death was discussed in detail. She also explained the importance of donor card and encouraged each and every one to pledge their organs. Topic on how to associate with MOHAN Foundation was elaborated. The session was interesting and interactive. Certain questions asked by the audience were as follows-
What is a procedure of hand donation?How to register for volunteer program of MOHAN Foundation?How helpline number works for eye donation case?
Ms. Prarthana answered all the queries and thanked in charge sister of Dward, E ward General ward of Apollo Hospital for inviting her and supporting the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad