On 7th September 2017 Dayanand Arya Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jaripatkha, Nagpur, conducted awareness of organ donation talk for their NSS students. Mrs. Babita Thool Lecturer and NSS Incharge of that college invited Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur to give a presentation. Dr. Wankhede gave a complete insight about the subject and its relevance to the society. He elaborated on the following:
1. What is Organ Donation
2. Who can donate organ and when?
4. Brain Death Natural Death and Coma.
5. Myths related to Organ donation.
6. Stories of Deceased donation cases in Nagpur.
7. Transplant hospitals in Nagpur.
8. Importance of Donor card, Helpline number and website.
9.The Law and role of ZTCC in organ donation.
It was a very interactive session more than 100 students were present at the talk. 2 students signed consent form and took donor cards & other students taken consent form for discussing with their family and sign consent form.
Students asked following points:-
In the end Dr. Babita Thool presented a shawl, shreephal and a bouquet to Dr. Ravi Wankhede, before giving a vote of thanks.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad