Dr. Mohan Kekatpure, Joint Commissioner Food & Drugs Administration, Dr..Harish Warish Warbhe, President Federation of Nagpur Blood Banks and Dr. R. N. Makroo, President of Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine jointly organized a C.M. E. & Workshop on Good Blood Bank Practices. The workshop was held at Government Medical College.
Mr. Kishor Khobaragade program manager of Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank invited to MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur to give a talk on organ donation and transplantation on 15th September 2017. Nearly 150 people attended the workshop.
Dr. Ravi Wankhede Director of MOHAN Foundation gave audio visual talk on organ donation. He elaborated on the following points:
What is organ donation?
Who can donate organ?
Rules and regulation of THO Act 1994.
Time factors of organ donation
Type of death coma &Brain death.
Organ donation rate in the world.
He said it is the miracle that a person can give life when he is no more. This aspect should be known to all Medical and Paramedical staff. Because they are closely associated with patients. Hence there was a great need to understand the subject. He explained the huge need of organs for end stage organ failure patients, who have no other alternative to survive.
He briefly explained the legal, social, religious, medical and other angles which lead to several people benefiting from organs from people who are brain death. Due to lack of time question answer session was cancelled.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad