Awareness talk on Deceased Organ Donation at K.D.K. College of Engineering Nagpur

Updated on Tuesday, September 19, 2017
  • On 14 September 2017, the student’s association Department of Civil Engineering,  K.D.K. College of Engineering Nagpur, organized an awareness talk on Deceased Organ Donation. The session was conducted in the Conference Hall of Civil Department, Jaganade square, Nagpur. Professor Dr. Neema Dhangle extended an invitation to MOHAN Foundation to give a talk on organ donation.

    Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur give audio visual talk on organ donation. In his talk Dr. Wankhede elaborated on the following points:

    1. What is Organ Donation and the Law?
    2. Who can donate organs?
    3. Brain Death Natural Death and Coma.
    4. Myths related to Organ donation.
    5. Deceased donation case in Nagpur.
    6. Kidney transplant hospital in Nagpur.
    7. Importance of Donor card, Helpline number and website.
    8. Role of ZTCC in organ donation.


    It was a very interactive session, more than 70   civil engineering final year students attended the talk. 3 students signed consent form and took donor cards while the other students have promised to speak with their families before signing the donor consent form.


    Students asked following points:-

    • After brain death how long can we maintain brain death patients on ventilator?
    • What is the difference between brain death and natural death?
    • Is tissue donation possible from an unclaimed dead body?

    Source-Bulu Behera
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