Awareness Talk on Organ Donation for Parkhi Family at, Deolapar Village, Nagpur

Updated on Monday, July 8, 2024
  • On June 30, 2024, Ms Bhagyashree from the MOHAN Foundation conducted an enlightening awareness session on organ and tissue donation in Deolapar. She began by introducing herself and providing an insightful overview of the MOHAN Foundation, emphasizing that MOHAN stands for Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network.

    During the session, Ms Bhagyashree covered several crucial topics. Firstly, she explained the concepts of organ donation and tissue donation, stressing their significance in saving lives and improving the quality of life for recipients. She then elaborated on the concept and definition of brain death, clarifying the medical criteria used to determine it.

    Next, Ms Bhagyashree discussed the types of death, highlighting the differences between brain death and cardiac death, and how each relates to organ donation eligibility. Detailed information was provided on the organs and tissues that can be donated after brain death and circulatory death, underscoring the potential impact of each donation.

    She further explained how a single organ donor can potentially save up to 8 lives through their donations, illustrating the profound ripple effect of each act of generosity.

    Attendees actively participated by asking pertinent questions. Queries were raised about the protocol for handling the body after organ donation, particularly whether the body is returned to the family post-donation. Concerns regarding the age limit for organ donation were addressed, clarifying the age criteria for potential donors.

    Discussion ensued regarding the percentage of individuals who typically consent to organ donation, shedding light on community perspectives and engagement.

    The session was well-received by the 12 attendees, with 5 individuals making pledges for organ donation, reflecting a growing commitment within the community to support this humanitarian cause. The event concluded on a positive note, highlighting the importance of informed decision-making and collective efforts in promoting organ donation awareness.

    Source- Ms. Bhagyashree Nighot
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