Donor Memorial

  • Mr. Pravin R.  Shroff - 80 Years

    A Silent Wish, A Lasting Legacy: The Story of Mr. Pravin R. Shroff

    A Humble Beginning, A Life of Service:

    Mr. Pravin Ramanlal Shroff, a man whose life was a testament to the power of love, responsibility and unwavering dedication. He was born in modest circumstances in a small village in Gujrat, and understood the value of hard work and uplifting the people around him. Through education and perseverance, he secured a position in a reputable company, ensuring a brighter future for his family.

    Yet, admist his professional success, Mr. Shroff never lost sight of what truly mattered: his loved ones. He prioritized their well-being over his own, fostering a culture of compassion and generosity within his family. He instilled in them the importance of giving back to society and finding joy in serving others.

    A Courageous Fight:
    In 2021, life presented a formidable challenge - He was diagnosed with a stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors predicted that he wouldn't survive more than 12 months. However, through his strong will and efforts of the doctors, he defeated the cancer and was cured of the stage-4 cancer within 15 months.

    The Final Act of Love:
    Though weakened by the cancer treatment, Mr. Shroff's spirit remained indomitable. Even in his final days, battling a severe lung infection in the hospital, his thoughts turned to others. On January 6th 2025, just 5 days before his peaceful passing, he made a gesture and communicated his final wish: to donate his body to medical science. He silently requested a pen and paper (since he was unable to speak due to the oxygen mask in the ICU) and conveyed his final wish: "I do not wish my body be burnt. Donate".This simple yet profound act, born from a lifetime of service, was a testament to his enduring compassion.

    This selfless act will continue to inspire and save lives long after his departure. His body, now a vessel of knowledge, will aid medical students and researchers in their pursuit of advancing healthcare. He exemplified the true meaning of living life with a purpose, and his legacy will forever be etched in the hearts of his loved ones and in the countless lives that will be touched by his final act of generosity.

    What the Family Says:
    The family admitted that there was no discussion around the topic of body and organ donation prior to Mr. Shroff conveying his last wish in the form of the letter 5 days before he left for his heavenly abode. The awareness and preparedness on how the entire process works wasn't there, and the family would like to thank the treating hospital to connect them with "MOHAN Foundation" who ensured that they were able to fulfill Mr. Shroff's last wish in a smooth manner. The family is now committed to spreading awareness around this subject to as many people as possible.


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