Young women students belonging to Dept. of Commerce and Accountancy, Anna Adarsh College for Women organized a guest lecture on organ donation on 31st January 2013. They invited Dr. Hemal Kanvinde and Ms. Veena of MOHAN Foundation to share their experiences in the field of deceased organ donation and transplantation. 200 students and 8 staff members attended the talk. The lecture was coordinated by Ms. Krishnaveni, Professor in Charge, Evening college, Anna Adarsh College for Women.
Ms. Veena made a PowerPoint presentation on concepts of organ donation. Before initiating the talk she asked the audience whether they heard about brain death and donor card. Only 10% of the students were aware of the terms, but not clear about their meaning. Then she briefed on blood donation, eye donation, organ donation and importance of donor card with examples. The students interacted well while discussing about religious beliefs and myths related to organ donation. In addition to the presentation promotional videos on organ donation were screened.
The students raised the following questions and cleared their doubts.
1. Can we preserve organs?
2. How long can a brain death patient be maintained with ventilator support?
3. Is diabetes a contraindication for organ donation?
4. What is the success rate of transplantation?
The students and faculty expressed their support by pledging their organs for donation. 158 donor cards were picked up by the students.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad