In order to MAKE A DIFFERENCE Mr. Vinoth, Sr. Executive, Rane Brakes Lining Ltd invited MOHAN Foundation to give a talk on Organ Donation for their staff on 29th January 2013. This initiative was a part of their CSR activity. About 90 employees including the management staff and employees working at the plant attended the session. The session started with welcome address by Mr. Santhanam, Manager, HR, Rane Brakes Lining Ltd followed by a presentation done by Ms.Kavitha, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation. The talk focused on the following topics:
1. Concepts of Organ Donation.
2. Difference between Brain Death and Coma.
3. Organs that can be donated after Natural Death and after Brain death.
4. Importance of Donor card.
After the session employees had a number of queries like:
1. Whom to contact in case of Whole Body Donation?
2 . Are famous persons given the priority during Organ sharing?
3. Activities of MOHAN Foundation.
The queries were answered. Around 90 people supported organ donation by picking up Donor card.
There was a street theater performance by the students of Madras School of Social work, Chennai, at the entrance for the general public and at the auditorium for the employees.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad