The temporary Police Recruitment School of the Tamil Nadu Special Police 1 Battalion at Tiruchirappalli invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an Awareness session on Organ Donation for their trainee constables. These 484 trainees had come from Cuddalore, Perambalur and Villupuram for their six month training before joining duty at their police stations. The session was held on 29th July 2016 in an open ground.
MOHAN Foundation was represented by Dr Hemal Kanvinde and Ms. Sunitha A T, Transplant Coordinator. Mrs. Hemalatha, Inspector introduced the speakers and Vice Principal, Shri. Mahadevan spoke about the training undertaken by him in Chennai. Ms. Sunitha initiated the session with a few Q & A on blood donation etc. She then spoke on the concepts of organ donation followed by their role in the process of a successful organ donation. She used Tamil movies to explain the misconceptions on organ donation.
The constables were very active and interacted with many queries. MOHAN Foundation then guided the trainees to enact a scene highlighting their role during a donation, which they did very well. The volunteers who enacted were given posters on organ donation.
Senior inspectors from Villupuram, Cuddalore and Perambalur also attended the session along with the Vice Principal Shri Mahadevan, Chief Drill Officer, Mr. Ravichandran and Inspector Ms. Hemalatha. MOHAN Foundation gave the school two posters on the "Role of Police in Organ Donation" and information brochures to the students. All the constables picked a donor card.