On July 26th, 2016 Mr. Santosh Mehra IPS IG Pers, BSF graced us with his presence by visiting the Head office in Chennai. He wanted to know more about the various activities organised by MOHAN Foundation, with special interest on spreading awareness about organ donation.
Dr. Sunil Shroff gave a presentation on the journey of MOHAN Foundation and spoke about how it’s the Government, Hospitals and NGO’s who work in cooperation which results in positive outcomes.
Mr. Santosh Mehra expressed his great interest towards the cause. He spoke about allowing MOHAN Foundation to share some knowledge about organ donation for the benefit of all BSF officers and staff all over India by just opening the BSF website.
With organ donation week coming up (6th – 13th August), as a start Mr. Santosh IPS would like to take this opportunity to organise awareness programmes for the BSF officers at suitable locations with the help of MOHAN Foundation.
It is collaborations like these that help us work towards achieving our cause. We thank Mr. Santosh Mehra for his interest.