On 6th May 2015 MOHAN Foundation organized a one day trainers training programme for the police trainers on Role of Police in Brain Death and Organ Donation. This was done in association with Police Training College, Chennai. The aim of the programme was to make them understand the role which they play in the process of organ donation.
Tr. K.Periaiah IPS, Deputy Inspector General of Police inaugurated the training. He highlighted that the power of Protection is given by god to Police and Doctors to save others lives. He gave the example of donor Hithendran, whose story was a turning point in Tamilnadu to increase the rate of organ donation. The session started with the self introduction and the expectations from the trainees.
Ms. Lalitha Raghuram, Country Director, MOHAN Foundation explained about the Concept of Organ Donation and also highlighted on the statistics that Tamilnadu is leading in Organ donation.
A Movie was played on Brain Death and Early Identification to make them understand the concept better. Dr. Sunil Shroff, Managing Trustee MOHAN Foundation clarified the doubts of the participants
As a reviving session, Ms .Kavitha Marketing Coordinator, conducted a Quiz for the participate to find their level of understanding about the concepts done so far.
The Transplant Act, Rules and the Tamil Nadu Government Orders were explained by Dr. Sunil Shroff. His session was very useful for them to understand their role in eradicating organ trafficking.
A kidney recipient, Mr. Suresh shared his experience as a patient and his life post transplant. He thanked Tanker Foundation for all the support and advice given by them to improve his quality of life. He also appreciated MOHAN Foundation for their tremendous work on sensitizing the stakeholders on importance of Organ Donation
A Session on Where do the Police fit in – GH protocol – Inquest, Postmortem and Organ Transport was facilitated by Dr. P. Vijayanand, Adult and Pediatric Intensivist, GKNM Hospital Coimbatore, Ms. Chitra from Outpost police station, RGGGH and Ms. A. T. Sunitha, Transplant Coordinator.
Ms. Sunitha A. T. started with explaining the protocol followed in Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital for a medico legal case - deceased organ donation and highlighted the role of police during inquest, request for post-mortem and handing over of the donor body.
Ms. Chitra shared her experience in coordinating Organ Donation. She explained how she gets intimation from the transplant coordinator about the potential donor. They then give the intimation to the jurisdiction police station for them to send an IO while she begins to collect the basic details about the case. The investigation officer has to prepare the inquest order and to follow up this the process of organ donation till the body is hand over to the family.
Dr.Vijayanand shared his experience in coordinating the deceased oragn donation. He discussed how time was very important and how the police should understand that this is a live saving situation and must come as soon as possible to complete the inquest.
Mr.Prakash Transplant coordinator shared few case studies highlight the role of IO in the process of organ donation Followed by it a documentary movie was played on Life from Cadaver on explaining the Golden hour of case coordination.
At the end a recap was done by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde Quality Assurance Manager by getting the trainees to do presentation on the main topics.
Valedictory speech was given Tr. K. Vannia Perumal IPS, Inspector General of Police. He mentioned that the training programme will be very useful for them to save lives by assisting in multi organ donation.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Tr. N. Mohanraj Addl. Superintendent of Police also he thanked MOHAN Foundation for the support and cooperation in the programme. All the participants are awarded with the participation certificate. 43 police personnel participated in the training.