On November 15, 2014, MOHAN Foundation conducted a sensitization session on organ donation for the nursing staff of Holy Family Hospital, Okhla Road, New Delhi.
This is MOHAN Foundation’s second engagement with Holy Family Hospital, the previous one being a sensitization session for the nursing students.
The Holy Family Hospital is a general hospital run by the Delhi Arch Diocese and registered as a charitable non-profit registered body under the Societies' Act of 1860. They strive to provide multidimensional comprehensive medical care to strengthen the health services and extensively train and educate both medical and support staff within the institution.
The coordination for the session on the Hospital’s part was done by Sister Philomena who have scheduled the session on organ donation along with other slates in their itinerary for the day.
The awareness session was conducted in the conference room and was attended by nurses from intensive care unit, general ward as well as others. The session covered key issues like need for organ donation, organ donation rate, brain death, myths surrounding organ donation and stressed on the role of nurses in promoting organ donation.
The participants showed keenness for the subject and provided satisfactory responses for the questions raised by the speaker.
Close to 50 nurses attended the session and 32 donor cards were picked up.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad