TN Organ Donation Day celebrated at Sai Community College, Red Hills, Chennai

Updated on Tuesday, September 24, 2024
  • On TN’s Organ Donation Day, the Department of Nursing Sai Community College, organized an awareness session on Organ Donation. The students of 1st year Nursing and Lab Technology and faculty of Nursing, participated in the program on September 23, 2024.

    Ms Arshiya Fathima, (Helpline counselor & CEE) represented MOHAN Foundation. She was accompanied by interns Mr. Stephen Joy and Mr. Sharan Raj (of MMCHS). Around 65 students and faculty attended the session. Mr. Stephen Joy and Mr. Sharan Raj distributed information brochures and green ribbons.

    The program started with a small introduction about MOHAN Foundation by Mr. Stephen Joy, followed by concepts of organ donation. He explained what, when and how organ donation can be done. He spoke on the law, offenses under the Act. He also explained the difference between Brain Death and Coma. He dispelled myths on organ donation and narrated a donor story.  The talk ended with the screening of a film on brain stem death. 

    Followed by Ms Arshiya Fathima gave an account of the courses offered by MOHAN Foundation to improve the career prospects of nursing students and conducted a fun quiz session. Students actively engaged in the session and answered questions. They enjoyed the session.

    MOHAN Foundation thanks Prof. Shobana, (Principal) & Prof. Komala (Faculty) and other staff in-charge for their coordination and support.

    Source-Mr. Stephen Joy A, MMM Intern
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