Students of social work visit MOHAN Foundation as part of observation visit

Updated on Monday, September 30, 2024
  • The first-year students of Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), Patrician College, visited MOHAN Foundation on Sept 28, 2024. This was a part of their exposure observational visit. The event was organized by MOHAN Foundation at their training hall. 18 students and 1 staff attended the orientation session. The students and staff were welcomed with information pamphlets, stickers to promote the helpline  and pamphlets about ambassador training. 

    Mr. Stephen Joy (Intern from MMM CHS) welcomed the students and staff and distributed information pamphlets.

    The program started with a small self-introduction by the students. Then Mr. Stephen Joy, explained the Concepts of organ donation. He explained what, when and how organ donation can be done. He spoke on the law, offenses under the Act. He also explained the difference between Brain Death and Coma. He dispelled myths on organ donation and narrated a donor story. The talk ended with the screening of a film on brain stem death. 

    Ms. Arshiya began the intervention done by MOHAN Foundation to increase public awareness through public talks, training Ambassadors and running a Helpline. She also explained about Transplant Coordinator courses offered by MOHAN Foundation, its structure, value and fee structure. These are value added courses for students of social work to get placement in hospitals.

    The next session was by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer. She explained the mission of MOHAN Foundation, and the efforts put forth by MOHAN Foundation to create awareness on organ donation and improve the rate of organ donation in India. The session was interactive and all the doubts of the students were cleared.

     Dr. Hemal Kanvinde handled the Q & A session, she cleared all the doubts of the students and also shared some important point on organ donation

    1.   What is  the age criteria for transplanting organs?

    2.   Is blood match needed for heart valve transplantation?

    3.   What is the activity under Anudaan?

    4.   Why is there a need for blood matching for transplant?

    5. What are the risks for liver donation? 

    6. Does a recipient  get the characters of a donor?  

    The session concluded with a thank you note from one of the students, and a happy group photo to remember the visit.

    Source-Ms. Arshiya Fathima
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