Davita Nephrolife, a dedicated renal care centre invited MOHAN Foundation to create awareness on Organ Donation among their staff and the patient caretaker. The presentation took place at their centre on 22 June 2013 and 25 people attended. Ms.Kavitha, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation delivered the talk.
The following topics were covered during the session.
1. Legal issues in Organ Donation
2. Types of Donors
3. Difference between Brain Death and Coma
4. Function of Brain Stem
5. Organs can be donated
6. Organ preservation and transplantation
7. Eye Donation
8. Ways of getting transplantation
9. Tamil Nadu Network of Organ Sharing
10. Activities of MOHAN Foundation
11. Transplant Coordinators Training Programme was highlighted
12. Information was given on MOHAN foundation website, facebook and toll free helpline number.
During the session few queries were raised:
1. Whether we can decide to whom to donate?
2. Do celebrities get more preference?
3. Swap donation.
Queries were answered and nearly 15 of them showed their support by signing the donor card. They also requested MOHAN Foundation to do monthly sensitization for the new patients and their caregivers.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad