On 23rd November, 2022, Ms. Rashmi Shetty was invited by D Y Patil , School of Pharmacy to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for Pharmacy students. This programme was organized by Mr. Rohit Mishra from Youth on the Move NGO. Ms. Rashmi was welcomed by the Principal – Dr. Rakesh Somani and he started the session by speaking a few words on organ donation. He then handed over the session to Ms. Rashmi . She started the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation and its activities and discussed the below topics with the students.
Lastly, she shared information on the ways the audience could get involved and support organ donation. She encouraged and appealed to each one of them to become ambassadors of organ donation.
Close to 200 students attended this programme. We thank the Principal of D Y Patil College and Mr. Rohit Mishra from Youth on the Move NGO for inviting us and supporting the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad