On 25th November 2022, Ms. Rashmi Shetty was invited to conduct an organ donation awareness talk for ICICI Academy. This programme was organised by Transplant Help the Poor Foundation and ICICI Foundation. Mr. Gurucharan Vijan – Center Head of ICICI Academy organized this programme. The event was divided into 2 batches, morning batch consisted of 150 trainees and staff, afternoon batch consisted of 180 members. Totally 330 people attended this session.
Rashmi addressed the gathering and introduced herself and MOHAN Foundation. She then kept the audience engaged throughout the session by discussing the following in detail:
Over all the session was very interactive where participants enthusiastically contributed to the discussion and asked many queries. To name a few:
We thank ICICI Foundation and Mr. Gurucharan Vijan – Center Head for organizing this event and inviting us.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad