A sensitization programme was organized for the nurses at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH), Chennai on 21st August and 22nd August, 2013. The programme was organized for nurses from the following wards: Female Medical Ward, Radiology Ward, Male Medical Ward (Unit III and IV) and Female Geriatric Ward (Medical and Surgical).
The session was conducted by Ms. Sunitha A T, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, Chennai. The session aimed at sensitizing the nurses about the need for deceased organ donation. In her presentation Ms. Sunitha covered the following topics: about organ donation; who can be a donor; about brain death; difference between brain death and coma; what are the organs and tissues that can be donated after brain death; importance of pledging ones organs by signing the donor card and the protocol followed at RGGGH for retrieval and transplantation of deceased organs.
Few of the queries that were raised at the session were: what is the age criteria for donating organs, the order in which organs are retrieved and how long can organs be preserved after they are retrieved.
There were totally 16 nurses who participated in the session and all of them pledged their organs by signing the donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad