On 13th October, 2013 a public education kiosk on organ donation was set up at Dignity Retirement India Expo, Bengaluru. Dignity Foundation, Bengaluru took the initiative to invite MOHAN Foundation to set up the stall at the expo. Dignity retirement INDIA expo is organised by dignity foundation for the pensioners.
Ms. Smeja Paul, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation manned the stall. In her interaction with the visitors she spoke about: activities of MOHAN Foundation across the country to strengthen the Deceased Organ Donation programme; Types of Organ Donation - Live and Deceased Donation; importance of consent from the family for organ donation to take place; difference between brain death, coma and natural death; and about the importance of carrying a donor card.
The visitors asked several doubts which were clarified. Totally 19 people picked the donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad