On 12th October, 2013 an awareness session on organ donation and transplantation was organised at the Dignity Retirement India Expo, Bengaluru. MOHAN Foundation conducted a talk and also set up a public education kiosk at the Expo. Dignity Retirement India Expo is organised by Dignity Foundation for the pensioners.
Ms. Smeja Paul, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation, Bengaluru spoke to the audience about organ and tissue donation after death, legal formalities involved, and the importance of family’s consent. She emphasised on the need for them to pledge their organs and to discuss their decision with their family. Ms. Paul also manned the stall and interacted with the visitors.
The talk was well received and people willingly pledged their organs. Around 30 donor cards were picked up.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad