TRIOMPH (Transplant Recipients of India and Organ failure patients - a Movement to Provide Hope), the Patient Support Group initiative of MOHAN Foundation has initiated a series of patient education workshops titled, 'Kidney Transplant - A Gift of Life.' These workshops aim to create awareness about renal transplants among patients undergoing dialysis and are being organised in association with TANKER Foundation and International Federation of Kidney Foundations – World Kidney Alliance (IFKF - WKA).
On 21st September, the workshop in Tamil featured Ms. Ishwarya Thyagarajan, Research Associate of MOHAN Foundation as the speaker. Around 60 people, including patients undergoing dialysis at various centres of TANKER, their caregivers, heads and managers of the dialysis units were in the audience.
Mrs. Latha A. Kumaraswami, Managing Trustee of TANKER Foundation kicked off the virtual session by giving an overview of the workshop and thanking the audience for their participation. She then introduced Ms. Ishwarya, thanked MOHAN Foundation and IFKF for their contribution.
The following points were the highlight of the talk delivered:
In the Q&A segment that followed, a caregiver shared her experience, as she and her husband, undergoing dialysis, were awaiting their turn for a second transplant. The session came to close to with Mrs. Kumaraswami delivering the vote of thanks and appreciating the efforts of MOHAN Foundation and other organisers.