Dr. Prathima Arun, Associate Vice President – Health and Benefits of Global Insurance reached out on MOHAN Foundation’s tollfree helpline number, requesting for an awareness talk to be delivered. This event was part of Global Insurance’s Wellness Sessions initiative and audience were employees of Genesys, one of Global’s clients. On 23rd September 2021, Ms. Ishwarya Thyagarajan, Research Associate of the Foundation delivered the talk, which was attended by around 15 Genesys employees.
The session began with a brief introduction of MOHAN Foundation and its activities, followed by the importance of blood and eye donation, organ failure and causes, brain death and the organs/tissues that can be donated after brain death and circulatory death, explained by Ms. Ishwarya.
The second half of the discussion focused on need for organ donation, domestic and international statistics, and myths related to organ donation. Transplant law, organ allocation and the transplant waiting list were also points of discussion.
The last part of the discussion featured testimonials from donor families, procedure to pledge organs and importance of conversation with the family once the organs are pledged. In the Q&A that followed, audience asked about skin donation, donation after cardiac death, disfigurement after tissue donation and ways to reach out for tissue donation.
MOHAN Foundation is thankful to Global Insurance and Genesys for the opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad