The teachers of VC Hitech International School were given an orientation to organ donation on July 25 2024 in their campus. More that 37 teaching staff participated. Ms Sri Neelaranjani, Headmistress introduced the speaker Mr Ganesh, MOHAN Foundation and passed on the mic. Mr Ganesh then spoke about organ donation, brain death, time factor, getting organs through government, laws & govt. schemes, pledging as a donor, voluntary body donation, myths, safeguarding from scams.
Surprisingly within the audience there were families with living examples of donations and transplant recipients etc. They openly shared their stories and experiences and made the session very interactive. Mr VC Sudhakaran, the correspondent along with his wife participated in the session and expressed his support towards organ donation, he strongly suggested the teachers to pledge as a donor today itself. All the teachers pledged to support organ donation. The session ended with a vote of thanks from Ms. Divya, English faculty.
MOHAN Foundation extends its gratitude towards the VCS School management and to Mr VC
Sudhakaran for providing a wonderful opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad