Organ Donation awareness session conducted for Buddhist Devotees at Butibori, Nagpur

Updated on Thursday, May 5, 2022
  • On April 14th, 2022 an awareness session was held for Buddhist devotees at MIDC Park Butibori, Nagpur. Mr. Vilash Shewde, Secretary of Buddhist Society Butibori invited Mr. Bulu Behera to conduct a talk on organ donation to the devotees.

    Mr. Behera addressed the devotees and discussed the below concepts about organ donation.

    1. What is organ donation?
    2. Types of donors- Living and Deceased donors
    3. Concept of Brain stem death was explained briefly
    4. Difference between organs and tissues was explained
    5. Circulatory death was explained briefly
    6. Process of skin donation was explained
    7. MOHAN Foundation Helpline number was displayed to the audience
    8. Few stories about organ donors were shared with the audience.


    The devotees and the secretary of the Buddhist Society expressed their appreciation and thanked Mr. Bulu for explaining the concepts in a simpler way. 500 devotees were present during the talk and 20 of them signed the pledge forms.


    We thank Mr. Shewde for inviting us and supporting the cause of organ donation.

    Source-Mr. Bulu Behera
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