On 26/7/11 transplant coordinators from MOHAN Foundation visited Rane Brake Lining Ltd, Chennai for an awareness programme on organ donation.
Transplant coordinator Ms.S.Sujatha addressed the employees on the concept of brain death, organ donation, myths, religious beliefs on organ donation and the importance of carrying a donor card. She also shared some case studies from her experiences in the Government General Hospital. In response to the talk the participants raised questions related to the time taken for a complete organ donation and retrieval process.
About 128 employees participated in the programme. They also picked up the donor cards promising to educate their families about the importance of organ donation. They also promised to keep the momentum going and support MOHAN Foundation in this noble mission of spreading the message of organ donation.
Heartfelt thanks to Mr.Suriyakumar and Ms.Divya of Rane Brake Lining Ltd from MOHAN Foundation for organizing this programme and spending their time for this cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad