On 15th November 2019, Super Specialty Hospital Nagpur invited MOHAN Foundation to speak about organ donation to the outpatients visiting the hospital. Dr. Milind Phulpatil, Special Duty In-charge of Super Specialty Hospital had extended the invitation to put up an information stall with information brochures, donor cards standees and banners. Mr. Bulu Behera, Transplant Coordinator managed the stall.
Information given to outpatients:-
Around 20 patients and relatives visited the stall. After understanding about organ donation, 12 of them took consent form to consult with their families and 6 patients signed consent form and received donor cards.
Question asked by stall visitors:
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad