18th August 2016, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mrs. Jaya Bharathi, VRUKSHAM Foundation, Coimbatore. VRUKSHAM Foundation is a non-profit organization to empower the students in rural areas. VRUKSHAM Foundation in association with MOHAN Foundation, Chennai organized an awareness programme on Organ Donation in KMC at Muthur. The training started with welcome address by Mr. Palani Samy, secretary of KMC. The aim of the programme was to make students to understand the concept of organ donation. The session held in the college auditorium, Muttur.
Mr. Ruban Victor and Mr. Periyanayagam transplant coordinator MOHAN Foundation started the session with a SKIT on explaining the Concept of Organ Donation after that we covered the following topic during this session
Totally 850 Students attended the talk and about 100 of them picked a donor card and showed their support for organ donation. Finally Mr. Ruban Victor thanked the students and Vruksham Foundation for the support and cooperation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad