In order to inculcate the human values of love towards our fellow beings in its greatest form by donating the organs after death, The LEO Cub of Mamallapuram invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an awareness programme for their members on 22nd September 2012.
Mr. Vijay Transplant Coordinator explained the concept of organ donation, brain death, and age criteria for donating organs. He touched upon the important steps to be followed for eye donation at residence. He also shared the legal procedures involved in organ transplantation process. A short video in Tamil, titled “Uyirkodu” was shown to the participants.
Since the area (Mamallapuram) stretches along East Coast Road and is an accident prone zone, the coordinator emphasized more on the usage of wearing helmet and cautious driving. He also stressed on the importance of the police inquest and the post mortem process which ensues after a road accident case.
The club members raised queries related religious support to organ donation. They also enquired about organ sharing and allocation which was explained to them.
A group of 83 members who attended the programme pledged their organs and took up the responsibility of being ambassadors for this noble cause. The programme was very effective and made a huge impact on the participants.
Mr. Amalan, Secretary of the LEO Club welcomed MOHAN Foundation to conduct similar programmes for their respective clubs across the city.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad