On August 13, 2024, Mr. Gabriel Pereira, an organ donation ambassador from MOHAN Foundation, was invited by the HR department of Taj Cidade de Goa Horizon, Goa, to conduct an organ donation awareness talk for the resort staff.
Mr. Gabriel began by introducing MOHAN Foundation and sharing his personal motivation for spreading awareness about organ donation. He explained that MOHAN stands for Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network.
He then posed a question to the audience: Why was this day chosen for the awareness talk? After receiving a few responses, he explained that it was to commemorate National Organ Donation Day, which is observed following the passage of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act on July 8, 1994. On August 3 of the same year, a team of surgeons led by Dr. P. Venugopal successfully performed India’s first heart transplant at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
Using a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Gabriel explained the concept of organ donation, detailing the types of deaths and the organs or tissues that can be donated. He also discussed the declaration-cum-will, which can be executed for whole-body donation.
He showed the donor card and encouraged the staff to collect the cards after the talk. He emphasized the importance of informing family and friends about their wish to donate organs, noting that, by law, the organ donation process can only proceed after obtaining the family's consent and completing the required documentation.
Six staff members signed up for organ donation.