On 8th May 2015 MOHAN Foundation Chennai conducted Awareness talk for the staff of Tamil Nadu State Crime Record Bureau, Santhome, Chennai on the concepts of organ donation and brain death. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde and Ms. Sunitha participated in the programme. Totally 106 members participated in the programme. This was done by the direction given by ADGP, Tamil Nadu State Crime Record Bureau.
As a warm up, short video clips on organ donation were shown to the audience. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, MOHAN Foundation addressed the gathering. The session started with a slide on organ donation to make them understand “Why Organ Donation” is important. The topics that she spoke on:
Followed by it Ms. Sunitha Transplant Coordinator shared her experience in coordinating deceased organ donation. She highlighted case studies to explain the role of investigation officer during the process of organ donation. There was a lot of discussion about the cases. During the session senior officers mentioned that they won’t start the inquest unless they get the death intimation from the hospital.
Discussion point:
Totally 106 officers participated in the programme and all expressed their support for organ donation.