On 6th october, 2013 MOHAN Foundation was invited by Sree Niketan Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Thiruvallur to conduct an awareness session on organ donation. The session was organised as part of the school's 'Open Day' for which the students, teachers and parents had gathered. P.Vishnucharan, Correspondent and Mrs. Kavitha, Head Mistress of Sree Niketan Matriculation Higher Secondary School took the initiative to organize the event.
Ms. Kavitha S, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, Chennai made a presentation to educate the audience about organ donation and laid emphasis on the importance of pledging ones organs in the Indian context. Further; a short film on the issue was screened which moved the participants.
Few parents who were unable to attend the session came in a little later and clarified their doubts about organ donation with Ms. Kavitha. Also, a fancy dress competition was organised in which kindergarten students dressed up like the various organs and the voice over was done by students from higher standards.
All of the them promised to support the cause. Donor cards and information brochures were distributed.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad