Anbu Illam, a charitable trust is working for orphans. They organized an awareness programme on organ donation at Mathur, near Chennai on 26th January 2014. Mr. Senthil Kumar, Director for Anbu Illam invited Cadaver Transplant Programme (CTP) to give the awareness talk on organ donation to the residents of Mathur village. Through CTP, Mr. Jeyabal M, Transplant coordinator MOHAN Foundation addressed the people at Vani Mahal, Mathur.
Mr. Jeyabal M took a session on Organ Donation and interacted with the people. These topics were explained: Brain death, Natural death, Coma, Eye donation, and Donor Card. People raised some questions like:
Q: Whether this donor card is useful for next ten years?
All the questions were clarified by the Transplant Coordinator. 150 people attended the session and 122 villagers picked the donor card and pledged for organ donation.