The CRI Service team, which is a Catholic organisation comprising of priests and religious workers in the Archdiocese of Mumbai invited MOHAN Foundation for conducting talks on the topic of Organ Donation on 11th September 2016.
Mrs. Jaya Jairam conducted the sessions and began with introduction to MOHAN Foundation, its mission and objectives. She then spoke about what Organ Donation was, the pressing need for it, who can donate, what is cardiac and brain death, the common myths on organ donation and reasons as to why India has not been at the forefront of organ donation.
She then went on to share her own personal story of kidney transplant and how it motivated her to join the cause of Organ Donation.
Subsequently, a pastor from Mumbai, Father Ryan was invited on the dais to share his personal story of how he and his family took the noble decision of donating his mother’s organs, thereby saving a few lives. He appealed to the audience of the religious workers to commit and propagate the cause in each of their own circles.
Many of the religious workers were inspired to join the cause, especially, this being the ‘Year of Mercy’ and they committed themselves to the cause by signing up and pledging their organs.
We at MOHAN Foundation wish to convey our sincere gratitude to Sister Monica and Father Joby Mathew for taking up the initiative and furthering the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad