On 27 th January 2024, MOHAN Foundation conducted organ donationawareness session for students of commerce department. The program was organized by Mr. Prathmesh Thakur RamSeth Thakur College, Kharghar, students participated in the session. Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi, Public Education Officer was the speaker for session.
Topics discussed in the session were as follows:
Concepts of organ donation.
Why and when is transplantation required?
Various organs and tissues that can be donated
Types of death
Difference between brain death and coma.
Transplantation of Human Organs Act
. Myths and misconceptions related to organ donation.
Information about the toll-free organ donation helpline (1800 1037100) was shared.
Questions asked in the session:
Will the body be disfigured after organ donation?
What are the organs that can be donated while living?
How to register as an organ donor online?
How will a family know about a registered organ donors wish after hisdeath?
For how long can corneas be stored?
78 members participated in the session. 25 members pledged their organs online. MOHAN Foundation is thankful to Mr. Prathmesh Thakur in charge of Ram Seth Thakur College, for supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad