Online Awareness Session on Organ Donation for Kotak Bank, Thane Branch, Mumbai

Updated on Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • On June 22, 2024, MOHAN Foundation conducted a pivotal webinar on Organ Donation for the staff members of Kotak Bank, Thane Branch. Mr. Pawan from Kotak Bank facilitated the webinar via Zoom, demonstrating proactive support for raising awareness about this crucial cause.

    Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi commenced the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation to the participants. She provided insights into both living and deceased organ donations, highlighting which organs can be donated after death. Ms. Prarthana emphasized the urgent need for transplants among patients with end-stage organ diseases such as heart, lungs, and liver. She detailed the organs and tissues suitable for donation in cases of circulatory death and brain stem death, stressing the critical importance of timely organ transplantation from deceased donors.

    During the webinar, Ms. Prarthana provided a comprehensive overview of organ donation scenarios, delving into the nuances of both living and deceased donations. She highlighted that while living donors can donate organs like kidneys and parts of the liver, deceased donors can potentially donate multiple organs such as heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestines. This distinction underscored the critical role of deceased donations in meeting the urgent needs of patients suffering from end-stage organ failure.

    Ms. Prarthana also emphasized the logistical challenges and the time-sensitive nature of organ transplantation from deceased donors. She explained how every minute counts in ensuring the viability and success of organ transplants, especially in cases involving organs from brain stem death donors. This aspect illuminated the importance of efficient coordination and the establishment of green corridors to facilitate the quick transportation of organs to transplant centers.

    The interactive Q&A session was particularly insightful, with participants seeking clarification on various aspects of organ donation. Ms. Prarthana responses not only addressed specific queries about legal frameworks like the THO Act but also provided practical guidance on eligibility criteria, such as considerations for individuals with conditions like asthma. Her detailed explanation of skin donation further enriched the understanding of participants, highlighting how even tissues can make a significant impact through donation.

    Overall, the webinar not only educated but also empowered the staff members of Kotak Bank, Thane Branch, to become advocates for organ donation within their communities. The robust attendance and engagement underscored a growing awareness and commitment to supporting this life-saving cause.

    Approximately 65 staff members attended the webinar, demonstrating a keen interest and commitment to understanding and supporting organ donation initiatives. MOHAN Foundation extends its gratitude to Mr. Pawan and Kotak Bank for their proactive engagement and continued support in advocating for organ donation awareness.

    Source- Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi
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