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Ms. Pallavi Kumar invited as Faculty in the1st Middle East Organ Donation Course held in Dubai

Updated on Monday, May 6, 2024
  • Ms Pallavi Kumar (Executive Director, MOHAN Foundation) was invited as course faculty in the1st Middle East Ataa Al Hayat Organ Donation Course in held from May 3-5, 2024, at MBRU (Mohammed Bin Rashid University) Dubai.  This course is a collaborative effort of the National Center for Organ Donation and Transplantation (HAYAT), the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP), and Mohammed bin Rashid University (MBRU).


    The invitation was extended by Dr. Ali Abdul Kareem Al Obaidli – Chairman of the National Committee for Organ Donation and Transplantation of the United Arab Emirates and Dr. Maria Paula Gomez, Director – Organ Transplant Expert, The National Center for Regulating Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues, UAE Ministry of Health, and Prevention.


    On the first day Ms Kumar made a presentation on “Attributes of a Coordinator – through case sharing - Lessons from MOHAN Foundation, India”.


    For the next two days, the participants were divided into groups for the following workshops:

    • Clinical Cases
    • Donor detection and evaluation
    • DNC declaration
    • DBD Donor maintenance
    • Family approach to organ donation


    Ms Kumar along with Dr Omid Ghobadi of Iranian Society of Organ Donation moderated 8 such group workshops on “Family approach” through role play and discussion.


    Close to 60 ICU professionals (including intensivists, nurses, transplant coordinators)  from healthcare authorities across the UAE and neighbouring countries participated in the course.

    Source-Ms. Pallavi Kumar
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