A one month Transplant Coordinators’ Training programme was held at the Chennai office of MOHAN Foundation from 5th to 30th May, 2014. Eighteen trainees belonging to different professions like social work, nursing, dialysis technology, teaching, attended the training. Some of them were going on to do the six months’ training. The programme is supported by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust.
The faculty comprised professionals from Medicine, Human Resource Management, Social Work, State Police Department, Cadaver Transplant program, senior transplant coordinators and experts in the field of organ donation. Doctors and transplant coordinators from Government and Private Hospitals addressed the trainees and all of them shared their experiences and knowledge in the field. Several case studies were presented for discussion by the senior transplant coordinators. Films were shown on brain stem death certification, apnoea test and arterial blood gas analysis, organ retrieval and transplantation, post-mortem, recipient story.
Various medical aspects of organ donation like brain death, identification and maintenance of brain dead patient, organs that can be donated after death, live donation, anatomy and physiology of organs, diseases that cause failure of major organs, and transplantation of organs were covered. Other topics such as legal and ethical aspects of organ donation and transplantation, cadaver transplant programme in different states, the organ sharing network, the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, role of Donor and Recipient Coordinator were also dealt with.
As part of the training programme, the trainees visited TACT academy to learn basic life support skills, TANKER Foundation to understand dialysis, Apollo Blood Bank, and Eye Bank of Sankara Nethralaya to get practical knowledge. The trainees were taught about concept of counseling, grief counseling and conflict management. There were interactive sessions on communication skills, media engagement and tackling stress. The trainees were divided into groups and each group was given a topic to present. In addition, there were role plays, PowerPoint presentations and group discussions. The trainees were also asked to conduct a survey on Knowledge and Attitude of general public and staff nurses towards Organ Donation.
The highlight of the programme was the presence of two trainees who had close relatives who were multi organ donors. This was also the first time videoconferencing was used for training - Chennai, Hyderabad and Delhi were linked for this purpose. The videoconferencing equipment was donated by Cognizant Foundation.
The valedictory function was held on 30th June 2014 and Prof. P.V. Ramachandran, Chairman Nursing Education, Sri Ramachandra University distributed the certificates. He encouraged the trainees and asked them to love and respect the profession they had chosen to follow because they were the backbone of transplant coordination. At the end of the training Dr. Sumana Navin, Course Director, MOHAN Foundation gave a vote of thanks.