On 26th May 2014, a talk on Organ Donation was organized Mr. M. Buhari Social work internship student, MOHAN Foundation, Chennai to the Share Auto and Private Auto and mobile shop at Cuddalore and at the NT bus stand. Auto drivers are the first to help an accident victim and they need to be sensitized about organ donation. 35 drivers participated in the awareness session.
Mr. Buhari addressed the drivers and spoke to them one by one. He focused on the following topics-
He then distributed information brochures, donor cards and Help line number stickers for their vehicles to who so ever was interested. All the drivers agreed to publicize the toll free number in their vehicles. 15 of them showed their supports for organ donation by picking the donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad