MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness rally on organ donation as a part of Independence day celebrations on August 15, 2015. The rally was aimed to spread awareness on organ donation among the residents of Basavanagar.
This rally was organized by Mr. Ramaiah and Mr. Palani, volunteers of MOHAN Foundation. Ms. Akshata of MOHAN Foundation coordinated with all the volunteers and students that had participated in the rally to spread awareness on organ donation.
About 130 volunteers joined the rally and more than 1000 people were distributed information brochures and donor cards.
We thank the Mr. Ramaiah and Mr. Palani for organizing this rally and all the volunteers for their active participation for this noble cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad