MOHAN Foundation Participated in Telangana 10K Run

Updated on Thursday, July 4, 2024
  • On 9th June’24, MOHAN Foundation participated in Telangana 10K Run that started from Sanjeevaiah park to Necklace Road in association with Global Events & Entertainment.  This Run was organised to raise awareness about organ donation.  The rally began at Sanjeevaiah park at 5 am and covered entire necklace road, NTR Marg, Lumbini Park, Tank Bund, Peoples’ Plaza and back, promoting the importance of Organ Donation. The participants were supported with T-shirts by Global Events & Entertainment. Around 700 participants joined this program, chanting slogans on organ donation, enthusiastically in the heart of the city. They helped in sensitizing several others about the lifesaving cause of organ donation.


    The program commenced with a brief description of MOHAN Foundation, and the guests of the event were welcomed by Dr. Bhanu Prakash Tx coordinator.


    Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Bhanu Chandra, Sr. Tx Coordinator MOHAN Foundation expressed concern over the growing number of patients needing organs and very few organ donors in the community. The list of patients needing organs is growing, but very few come forward to donate. When a kidney can be donated by living donors and transplanted from one person to another, only those that are brain dead can donate organs like heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys can also be donated and transplanted. This would help save the lives of many people, he said, and called upon people to come forward for organ donation to save lives. 


    All the participants conveyed their thanks to MOHAN Foundation for organizing this event. This will surely go a long way in promoting organ donation in the city of Hyderabad and across the state of Telangana.


    The Telangana 10K Run at Sanjeevaiah Park, supported by the MOHAN Foundation, was a resounding success in promoting both physical health and societal well-being. By combining a fitness challenge with a noble cause, the event effectively raised awareness about organ donation while encouraging a healthier lifestyle among participants. It served as a commendable example of how community events can be used to advocate for significant social causes.

    Source-Mr. Prakash Reddy
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