LIBERTY INTELLIGENCE OUR NATION’S SAFETY is the motto of Lions Club. The Lions Club of Chennai started the first eye bank in 1981, and since then they have been promoting the cause. On 8th January 2015, Chennai Lions Eye Bank Trust & Regional Institute of Ophthalmology & Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Chennai conducted an event called “Honouring the Eye Donation Facilitators” and invited all the eye donation coordinators from different hospitals specifically those of Madras Medical College, Kilpauk Medical College & Stanley Government Hospital. The event took place at Corneal Block, Eye Bank, Egmore and 50 eye care professionals, Nurses, Coordinators and Lions Club members were present.
The programme began with a welcome address by Mr. MJF. Ex. Ln. V.S.R. Sunder, District Convener and he spoke about his past experiences about eye donation and how the programme was established. Later in the programmer all the LIONs eye bank team and the facilitators were facilitated with mementos by PGD. Ln. N. R. Dave the Founder and Managing Trustee of the Lions Eye Bank, RIO and GOH Research Foundation.
On behalf of MOHAN Foundation, Mr. Prakash K. & Mr. Jeyabal M. Transplant Coordinators participated in the programme. At the end of the programme the district chairman gave a vote of thanks and he requested all the eye donation coordinators to promote Eye Donation in the communities.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad